[PODCAST] The Secret to Stories That Stick


Ideas have been transferred from one person to another since the beginning of time. But the ideas that really take hold are the ones framed by stories. Why? Because stories stick. They attach emotion to ideas. They compel audiences to empathize and act. Discover the psychology behind presenting epic narratives as GatherRound Founder, Eric Harris,…

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Persuasive Storytelling Spotlight: Ryan Short of MODassic Marketing

Ryan Short is a founder and CEO of MODassic, a design and marketing agency based in Dallas, Texas. He started the agency in 2008 to specialize in persona- and ROI-based branding, design and marketing. Ryan is incredibly skilled at delivering presentations that work. The one thing all of Ryan’s best presentations have in common? Him. 

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3 Questions That Lead to Better Presentations [WORKSHEET]

It’s not an impossible dream. In fact, it’s quite simple to write a great presentation outline. Research conducted by Stanford University has proven that audiences are 40% more likely to retain information accurately when it’s presented with structure, as opposed to free-form. While there are many ways to create structure, our clients find asking these 3…

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How to Funny: Using Humor in your Presentations

Picture yourself selling an idea to an audience. Do you want your audience to laugh, or do you want them to be all business? That’s an easy answer. Laughing releases oxytocin, the feel-good brain chemical that helps boost feelings of loyalty and trust. Go for the chuckles, and help your audience feel how much they…

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4 Presentation Mistakes You’re Probably Making and How to Fix Them

A presentation is one of the most powerful ways to make an idea a reality. When the audience buys in to what you’ve pitched — they can actually help your idea manifest. However, less-than-optimal presentations can do more harm than good. Here’s a look at the most common presentation errors we see at GatherRound. Are…

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Anecdote vs. Story

Storytelling. While it’s GatherRound’s gift to the world, we’re aware it’s also somewhat of a buzzword in marketing, as the entire org chart learns to embrace humankind’s most enduring art form. We witness and contribute to thousands of versions of stories generated and shared every year, and we’re privy to many anecdotes as well.

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