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Be Yourself When You Present

If you find yourself presenting often, you’re not alone. Microsoft estimates 30 million presentations are created every day. THIRTY. MILLION. If that many are created each day, how many will ultimately be delivered within your organization?

“This Above All…”

If you’re in the idea business (aren’t we all?), it can be tough to get yours to stand out – especially if you’re just one of the 30 million presentations being delivered daily. If you truly want to make your presentations shine and ensure they get noticed and acted upon, follow the words of the Bard, whom we believe summed it up best: “…To thine own self be true.”

Understanding Yourself Leads to More Persuasive Presentations

In order to become the best presenter possible, begin by understanding yourself. The first step in self-discovery is thinking about how you behave when you and your ideas are out of the spotlight. Then, figure out how you can play off of your strengths and be exactly the same way when you are presenting.

Many believe there is one right way to “be” as a presenter on stage. However, not all people are alike off-stage. So, why should we all be alike in the spotlight? There are many ways to be effective when you present, so work on tailoring your presentation style to your strengths and making it fit your aesthetic and personality.

To better understand yourself and the best way for you to present, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have a personal presentation style? (Hint: you definitely do.)
  • How would you describe that style, and what do you like about it?
  • How do you think your audience would describe what it’s like to hear you pitch an idea?
  • What do you feel best doing when you’re on a presentation stage, and where to you believe your weaknesses lie?

Finding Your Presentation Style

According to 24 Slides, the six most common presentation styles are:

  • Visual: The presenter is the medium, complimented by striking, memorable imagery.
  • Free-Form: Presentations which rely heavily on stories to communicate ideas.
  • Instructor: A presentation style in which complex messages are organized with content-heavy visual aids.
  • Coach: Energetic and charismatic speakers who engage and inspire audiences from within.
  • Storytelling: Oral anecdotes connect to points illustrated and punctuated by visual aids.
  • Connector: Encourages feedback from the audience by using gestures and asking for reactions, and they connect by showing how they can be “one of us” — or just like the audience.

After examining that list, ask yourself: do you present in one of these six styles? Then, ask yourself into which category SHOULD you fall, and if one of these styles is more suited to create buy-in.

When it comes to presentation storytelling, the way you deliver the speech isn’t always clear, and there isn’t a cut-and-dry answer about the best and most effective presentation styles. However, when it comes to delivering presentations that move, one thing is clear: audiences prefer presenters who DON’T use slides — which means YOU are the medium, and you’re worth putting some time and work into.

Invest in yourself. Contact us today about The Campfire Method®.