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This Just In: You’re Creative

Funny thing about self esteem: It’s often at its highest when we need it least. The inverse seems true as well: When opportunity knocks, many of us (who aren’t proud to admit it) have been known to pretend we’re not home. This reaction, even though we attach our professional value to the content we share, as we’ve explored in prior musings.

In fact, it’s the most common thing we hear from our clients as they grapple with presentations: “I would do that, but I’m just not creative.”

Not creative? What a bunch of baloney.

While there have been countless studies that claim to define creativity, there’s a simple way to think about it that we’ve applied to attracting and developing top talent for years. Creative people:

  1. Have ideas.
  2. Put ideas into action.
  3. Convince others of the value of their ideas.

Therefore, if you’ve ever so much as prepared a meal or organized a drawer, you have the skills necessary to be creative. Sure, they may need to be honed or exercised a bit…  But consider expanding on the above 3 points as you approach your next presentation and you might surprise yourself. Once your thoughts are organized, there’s no limit to their persuasive power. So better yet, ask yourself:

  1. What am I trying to accomplish?
  2. What will it look like when it’s working?
  3. What’s in it for my audience?

See? Creativity isn’t the preserve of coffee-pounding, turtlenecked hipsters. Nor is it some magical birthright or endowment. It’s a skill, and it’s alive in you right now, today.

Need a hand surfacing your creative? That’s why we’re here. Give us a shout and we’ll show that baloney who’s boss.